In May ODL project teams gathered in Vienna for a workshop
Finally, after a long pandemic the teams gathered on site in Vienna. On the 17th and 18th of May, ODL team members from the KB and the Estonian National Library visited the Austrian National Library for a two-days workshop.
The workshop format offered the possibility to apply different tools from the design thinking and gamestorming toolbox in order to reflect upon our work accomplished and the steps ahead.
“Learning from each other” is a core “brick of ODL”. This includes not only the success stories but also challenges and pitfalls, though we are “facing similar problems”. You guess right! The “ODL tower” stood until the end.

After nearly two years of remote exchange over online applications, we really took advantage of using paper, sticky notes, whiteboards and a Jenga tower ;-).
The exchange meeting was also a good opportunity to evaluate the status at midterm and to discuss the workpackages ahead.
We are very much looking forward to the next exchange meeting at the KB!